Windows 7 Offline Files Location

Active4 years, 5 months ago

On Vista systems, I've been using these instructions to relocate the 'Offline Files Cache' from its default location of c:csc. Works great.

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However, these instructions do not work on Windows 7. There is small discussion about the issue going on on TechNet but nobody yet has a solution.

In Windows XP, Offline Files copies the entire file from the local cache to the server, even if only a small part of the file was modified while offline. Because Bitmap Differential Transfer can make the synchronization more efficient, Offline Files in Windows Vista and Windows 7 supports all file types. Offline files are stored in systemdrive:windows CSC folder. If OS is installed in C: drive then the cache location is C: Windows CSC. If you want to change the cache location to a different drive or any other folder on C: then read this post – How to change offline files location on Windows 7. Perhaps you can help me with a tricky windows 7 issue. I have a user with a laptop, they have been set up for offline files with their data being stored on a network drive. They've been using it away happily for several months then suddenly in the last few days their offline data has vanished. Does your C: Windows CSC match what your user is claiming to have had? It's possible they somehow were saving in a location that was orphaned somehow with the changes. Yes, I see the files in question listed under C: Windows CSC with the old private folder path. Now is there a way to move these files to the new share?

The problem is that the Migration Wizard has changed in Windows 7 and no longer provides a mechanism for doing this.

Nov 08, 2017  I tried searching for 'offline' in the forum and scanned through the 250 odd titles that came up but could not find reference to relocating the offline files folder. I frequently take an image of the system drive as a backup but, with an ever increasing offline folder (windowscsc), this is getting.

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Windows 7 Offline Files Exclude Folder

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3 Answers

I've found the following to work well. I would advise to create a restore point prior to doing the following.

  1. Create a folder for your offline file cache. Something like D:Offline.
  2. From an elevated command prompt type the following: Takeown /r /f C:WindowsCSC.
  3. Open the Sync Center and go to Manage Offline Files.
  4. Click Disable Offline Files and restart the machine.
  5. From an elevated command prompt issue the following commands:

    (or whatever your folder name is, but be sure to use the quotes if you have space(s) in the name).

  6. Reopen the Manage Offline Files window and Enable Offline Files.

  7. Restart the machine.

All files/folders that are made available offline should now be redirected to whichever folder you specified.

17.3k11 gold badges48 silver badges92 bronze badges
Bryce FowlerBryce Fowler

This is from another Technet Social post:

When you make a network folder available offline, copies of all the files in that folder will be stored on your computer's hard disk.

Windows 7 also, includes an expanded ability to do fast remote queries of file shares, including on Windows Vista®, Windows Server® 2008, Windows® XP with Windows Search 4.0 installed, and earlier versions.

Client Side Caching as well as the Offline File service have some fundamental differences in Windows 7, but, the dynamics of this process seem to be the same. I'm not sure what instructions you used to move the cache file from Vista but depending on the process, you may be able to use a similar function when utilizing offline folders in Windows 7.

Could you check if this knowledge base article is different from what you used before?

Ivo FlipseIvo Flipse
22.1k27 gold badges98 silver badges145 bronze badges

It's even more simple than that in Windows 7

Just open Sync center >> on left chose ' Manage offline files

In new window Offline files on first tab just use option View your files

It will open a new window with offline files content.

From there you can just do a copy-paste to any folder on desktop or physical drivers.

Rajko BogdanovicRajko Bogdanovic

protected by bwDracoApr 19 '15 at 4:56

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