Javascript For Adobe Acrobat Pro

Active1 year, 11 months ago
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This may seem like a really novice question, but I have been tearing my hair out all day on this.

Learning to Program JavaScript for Adobe Acrobat Posted on January 3, 2017 by Karl Heinz Kremer This is a bit longer than usual, so let me add a table of contents here that allows you to jump straight to the section you are interested in.

  1. Fist of all, you need Adobe Acrobat, not free Adobe Reader, to do that. Acrobat JavaScript enables you to do a wide variety of things within a PDF document. These include: Performing calculations: you can specify calculations that can be performed on several field values to yield a desired result.
  2. The JavaScript debugger in Acrobat lets you review your code line by line, set breakpoints, and inspect variables using the debugger dialog. To enable JavaScript Debugger, go to Edit Preferences JavaScript, and then select the Enable JavaScript debugger after Acrobat is restarted option.
  3. John, there are three levels of Adobe PDF viewers with different capabilities: Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe Acrobat Standard and the free Adobe Reader. When you check the documentation for a JavaScript API function, it will tell you if it is available for a certain product, and if there are differences in it’s behavior depending on what system.
  4. JavaScript is the cross-platform scripting language of the Adobe Acrobat family of products that includes Acrobat Professional, Acrobat Standard, and Adobe Reader. Through JavaScript extensions, the viewer application and its plug-ins expose much of their functionality to document authors, form designers, and plug-in developers.
  5. How do I reference a field through javascript? Hi everybody, I'm using Adobe Acrobat X Pro, and I'd like to know how to find the ID to reference a specific field. Ultimately, I'd like to be able to say something like: 'If a dropdown menu has option X selected, show layer X, and hide layer Y'. Thanks so much for all the help! Kindly, Peter.

I am running the trial version of Adobe Acrobat Professional XII am looking to add simple JavaScript to a PDF file.

The aim is to have a PDF file, that when opened, pops up with an alert message with Yes and No options.Click Yes, and the alert goes away, leaving the PDF to be read.Click No, and the file closes.

The main trouble I am having is where to write my code. I have used the JavaScript Debugger but it is not very intuitive, and doesn't seem to let me add JavaScript to the file, only run from within the debugger.

All the tutorials I have looked at online show me the code, but not where to write it.

Devan SomaiaDevan Somaia
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1 Answer

In Adobe Acrobat open Tools pane on the right, select JavaScript section and then Document JavaScripts.
Enter a script name and click Add. In the JavaScript editor remove the generated code and add yours:

This code (if not placed in a function) will be executed automatically when the document is opened.

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You can cause an action to occur when abookmark or link is clicked, or when a page is viewed. For example,you can use links and bookmarks to jump to different locations ina document, execute commands from a menu, and perform other actions.Actions are set in the Properties dialog box.

For bookmarks or links, you specify an action that occurs whenthe bookmark or link is clicked. For other items, such as pages,media clips and form fields, you define a trigger that causes theaction to occur and then define the action itself. You can add multipleactions to one trigger.

TheLocked option prevents the appearance and actions associatedwith an object from being accidentally changed.

Add an action to bookmarks, formfields, buttons, or clips

    • Using the Hand tool, right-click the bookmark, and choose Properties.

    • Using the Tools > Rich Media > Select Object tool, double-click the link, media clip, or form field, and choose Properties.

  1. From the Select Action menu, select the action type to occur, and then click Add. You can add multiple actions; actions execute in the order that they appear in the Actions list box.

  2. (Optional) Select an action in the Actions tab, and use the buttons to reorder, edit, or delete the action.

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  3. Click OK to accept the actions. To close the Rich Media tool, click the cross icon at the right-end of the toolbar.

To enhance the interactive quality of a document,you can specify actions, such as changing the zoom value, to occurwhen a page is opened or closed.

  1. Select the page thumbnail corresponding to the page, and choose Page Properties from the options menu .

  2. From the Select Trigger menu, choose Page Open to set an action when the page opens, or choose Page Close to set an action when the page closes.

  3. Choose an action from the Select Action menu, and click Add.

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  4. Specify the options for the action, and click OK. The options available depend on the action selected.

  5. To create a series of actions, choose another action from the menu, and click Add again. Use the Up and Down buttons to arrange the actions in the order you want them to occur.


    If you set an action that switches to FullScreen view on Page Open or Page Close, the next timethe same page opens or closes, Full Screen viewis turned on.

  6. Close all opened dialog boxes, if any. Click the cross icon at the right-end of the toolbar to close the tool.

Youcan assign the following actions to links, bookmarks, pages, mediaclips, and form fields:

Executesa specified menu command as the action.

Jumps to the specified 3D view.

Jumpsto the specified destination in the current document or in anotherdocument.

Bringsin form data from another file, and places it in the active form.

Executes a specified action for a multimedia object in thefile (such as playing a sound file). The multimedia object mustbe added to the file before you can specify an action for it.

Launchesand opens a file. If you are distributing a PDF file with a linkto another file, the reader needs the native application of thatlinked file to open it successfully. (You may need to add openingpreferences for the target file.)

Jumps to the specified destination on the Internet. You can usehttp, ftp, and mailto protocols to define your link.

Plays the specified sound file. The sound is embedded intothe PDF document in a cross-platform format.

Plays the specified QuickTime or AVI movie that was createdas Acrobat 5-compatible. The specified movie must be embeddedin a PDF document.

Plays a specified movie that was created as Acrobat 6-compatible.The specified movie must be embedded in a PDF document.

Follows an article thread in the activedocument or in another PDF document.

Clears previously entered data in a form.You can control the fields that are reset with the SelectFields dialog box.

Runs the specified JavaScript.

Determineswhich layer settings are active. Before you add this action, specifythe appropriate layer settings.

Javascript for adobe acrobat pro download

Toggles between showing and hiding a fieldin a PDF document. This option is especially useful in form fields.For example, if you want an object to pop up whenever the pointeris over a button, you can set an action that shows a field on the MouseEnter trigger and hides a field on MouseExit.

Sends the form data to the specifiedURL.

Triggersdetermine how actions are activated in media clips, pages, and form fields.For example, you can specify a movie or sound clip to play whena page is opened or closed. The available options depend on thespecified page element.

You can use the following triggers for media clipsand form fields (not links or bookmarks):

When the mouse button is released after a click. This is the most common button trigger, because it gives the user one last chance to drag the pointer off the button and not activate the action.

When the page containing the media clip is visible, regardlessof whether it is the current page. It’s possible for a page to be visiblewithout being the current page, such as when a continuous page layout displayspages side-by-side.

When the page containing the media clip is moved out of view.

When the page containing the media clip becomes the currentpage.

When a user leaves the page that contains the media clip.

When the mouse button is clicked (without being released).In most cases, Mouse Up is the preferredtrigger.

When the pointer enters the field or play area.

When the pointer exits the field or play area.

When the link area receives focus, either through a mouseaction or tabbing.

When the focus moves to a different link area.

Javascript For Adobe Acrobat Pro Free Download For Windows 10

The JavaScript language was developedby Netscape Communications as a means tocreate interactive web pages more easily. Adobe has enhanced JavaScriptso that you can easily integrate this level of interactivity intoyour PDF documents.

You can invoke JavaScript code using actions associated withbookmarks, links, and pages. The Set Document Actions commandlets you create document-level JavaScript actions that apply tothe entire document. For example, selecting DocumentDid Save runs the JavaScript after a document is saved.

Acrobat Pro is required to use JavaScript with forms and action wizards.


Javascript For Adobe Acrobat

In Acrobat Pro, you can also use JavaScript with PDF forms and action wizard. The most common uses for JavaScript in forms are formatting data, calculating data, validating data, and assigning an action. Field-level scripts are associated with a specific form field or fields, such as a button. This type of script is executed when an event occurs, such as a Mouse Up action.

To learn how to create JavaScript scripts, download the JavaScriptmanuals from the Adobe website. Developing Acrobat®ApplicationsUsing JavaScript™ contains backgroundinformation and tutorials, and the JavaScript™ for Acrobat®API Reference containsdetailed reference information. These and other JavaScript resourcesare located on the Adobe website.

Javascript For Adobe Acrobat Pro Free Trial

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Javascript For Adobe Acrobat Pro For Mac

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