Minecraft Sound Effects Free Download
- Minecraft Damage Sound Effect
- Minecraft Hurt Sound Effect Download
- Movie Sound Effects Free Download
- Minecraft Death Sound Download
Each sound effect has a name assigned to it in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac). The game will play these sound effects when different things happen in the game such as breaking a block or throwing a potion. You can also choose to play these sound files or stop them from playing whenever you want using game commands such as /playsound or /stopsound.
![Effects Effects](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4JnUgpJcSlc/maxresdefault.jpg)
Here is an interactive list of the sound effects in the latest version of Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac).
TIP: If you are not running Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), try one of our other versions:
Aug 15, 2014 Minecraft Sound Effects Converted by MagicalMonkey Hello Minecraft community. It has come to me attention that you can not find any Minecraft sounds in. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Freesound: collaborative database of creative-commons licensed sound for musicians and sound lovers. Have you freed your sound today? Freesound - Sounds downloaded by minecraft.
This page was last edited on 8 December 2013, at 06:08. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Minecraft content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of. MineSounds lets you play around with all your favorite sounds in Minecraft. App includes 200+ sounds effects and it is completely FREE.
(Enter a value in the field above to find a sound effect in the table below)
Name of the Sound Effect |
ambient.cave |
ambient.underwater.enter |
ambient.underwater.exit |
ambient.underwater.loop |
ambient.underwater.loop.additions |
ambient.underwater.loop.additions.rare |
ambient.underwater.loop.additions.ultra_rare |
block.anvil.break |
block.anvil.destroy |
block.anvil.fall |
block.anvil.hit |
block.anvil.land |
block.anvil.place |
block.anvil.step |
block.anvil.use |
block.beacon.activate |
block.beacon.ambient |
block.beacon.deactivate |
block.beacon.power_select |
block.brewing_stand.brew |
block.bubble_column.bubble_pop |
block.bubble_column.upwards_ambient |
block.bubble_column.upwards_inside |
block.bubble_column.whirlpool_ambient |
block.bubble_column.whirlpool_inside |
block.chest.close |
block.chest.locked |
block.chest.open |
block.chorus_flower.death |
block.chorus_flower.grow |
block.wool.break |
block.wool.fall |
block.wool.hit |
block.wool.place |
block.wool.step |
block.comparator.click |
block.conduit.activate |
block.conduit.ambient |
block.conduit.ambient.short |
block.conduit.attack.target |
block.conduit.deactivate |
block.dispenser.dispense |
block.dispenser.fail |
block.dispenser.launch |
block.enchantment_table.use |
block.end_gateway.spawn |
block.end_portal.spawn |
block.end_portal_frame.fill |
block.ender_chest.close |
block.ender_chest.open |
block.fence_gate.close |
block.fence_gate.open |
block.fire.ambient |
block.fire.extinguish |
block.furnace.fire_crackle |
block.glass.break |
block.glass.fall |
block.glass.hit |
block.glass.place |
block.glass.step |
block.grass.break |
block.grass.fall |
block.grass.hit |
block.grass.place |
block.grass.step |
block.wet_grass.break |
block.wet_grass.fall |
block.wet_grass.hit |
block.wet_grass.place |
block.wet_grass.step |
block.coral_block.break |
block.coral_block.fall |
block.coral_block.hit |
block.coral_block.place |
block.coral_block.step |
block.gravel.break |
block.gravel.fall |
block.gravel.hit |
block.gravel.place |
block.gravel.step |
block.iron_door.close |
block.iron_door.open |
block.iron_trapdoor.close |
block.iron_trapdoor.open |
block.ladder.break |
block.ladder.fall |
block.ladder.hit |
block.ladder.place |
block.ladder.step |
block.lava.ambient |
block.lava.extinguish |
block.lava.pop |
block.lever.click |
block.metal.break |
block.metal.fall |
block.metal.hit |
block.metal.place |
block.metal.step |
block.metal_pressure_plate.click_off |
block.metal_pressure_plate.click_on |
block.note_block.basedrum |
block.note_block.bass |
block.note_block.bell |
block.note_block.chime |
block.note_block.flute |
block.note_block.guitar |
block.note_block.harp |
block.note_block.hat |
block.note_block.pling |
block.note_block.snare |
block.note_block.xylophone |
block.piston.contract |
block.piston.extend |
block.portal.ambient |
block.portal.travel |
block.portal.trigger |
block.pumpkin.carve |
block.redstone_torch.burnout |
block.sand.break |
block.sand.fall |
block.sand.hit |
block.sand.place |
block.sand.step |
block.shulker_box.close |
block.shulker_box.open |
block.slime_block.break |
block.slime_block.fall |
block.slime_block.hit |
block.slime_block.place |
block.slime_block.step |
block.snow.break |
block.snow.fall |
block.snow.hit |
block.snow.place |
block.snow.step |
block.stone.break |
block.stone.fall |
block.stone.hit |
block.stone.place |
block.stone.step |
block.stone_button.click_off |
block.stone_button.click_on |
block.stone_pressure_plate.click_off |
block.stone_pressure_plate.click_on |
block.tripwire.attach |
block.tripwire.click_off |
block.tripwire.click_on |
block.tripwire.detach |
block.water.ambient |
block.lily_pad.place |
block.wood.break |
block.wood.fall |
block.wood.hit |
block.wood.place |
block.wood.step |
block.wooden_button.click_off |
block.wooden_button.click_on |
block.wooden_pressure_plate.click_off |
block.wooden_pressure_plate.click_on |
block.wooden_door.close |
block.wooden_door.open |
block.wooden_trapdoor.close |
block.wooden_trapdoor.open |
enchant.thorns.hit |
entity.armor_stand.break |
entity.armor_stand.fall |
entity.armor_stand.hit |
entity.armor_stand.place |
entity.arrow.hit |
entity.arrow.hit_player |
entity.arrow.shoot |
entity.bat.ambient |
entity.bat.death |
entity.bat.hurt |
entity.bat.loop |
entity.bat.takeoff |
entity.blaze.ambient |
entity.blaze.burn |
entity.blaze.death |
entity.blaze.hurt |
entity.blaze.shoot |
entity.boat.paddle_land |
entity.boat.paddle_water |
entity.fishing_bobber.retrieve |
entity.fishing_bobber.splash |
entity.fishing_bobber.throw |
entity.cat.ambient |
entity.cat.death |
entity.cat.hiss |
entity.cat.hurt |
entity.cat.purr |
entity.cat.purreow |
entity.chicken.ambient |
entity.chicken.death |
entity.chicken.egg |
entity.chicken.hurt |
entity.chicken.step |
entity.cod.ambient |
entity.cod.death |
entity.cod.flop |
entity.cod.hurt |
entity.cow.ambient |
entity.cow.death |
entity.cow.hurt |
entity.cow.milk |
entity.cow.step |
entity.creeper.death |
entity.creeper.hurt |
entity.creeper.primed |
entity.dolphin.ambient |
entity.dolphin.ambient_water |
entity.dolphin.attack |
entity.dolphin.death |
entity.dolphin.eat |
entity.dolphin.hurt |
entity.dolphin.jump |
entity.dolphin.play |
entity.dolphin.splash |
entity.dolphin.swim |
entity.donkey.ambient |
entity.donkey.angry |
entity.donkey.chest |
entity.donkey.death |
entity.donkey.hurt |
entity.drowned.ambient |
entity.drowned.ambient_water |
entity.drowned.death |
entity.drowned.death_water |
entity.drowned.hurt |
entity.drowned.hurt_water |
entity.drowned.shoot |
entity.drowned.step |
entity.drowned.swim |
entity.egg.throw |
entity.elder_guardian.ambient |
entity.elder_guardian.ambient_land |
entity.elder_guardian.curse |
entity.elder_guardian.death |
entity.elder_guardian.death_land |
entity.elder_guardian.flop |
entity.elder_guardian.hurt |
entity.elder_guardian.hurt_land |
entity.ender_dragon.ambient |
entity.ender_dragon.death |
entity.ender_dragon.flap |
entity.ender_dragon.growl |
entity.ender_dragon.hurt |
entity.ender_dragon.shoot |
entity.dragon_fireball.explode |
entity.ender_eye.death |
entity.ender_eye.launch |
entity.enderman.ambient |
entity.enderman.death |
entity.enderman.hurt |
entity.enderman.scream |
entity.enderman.stare |
entity.enderman.teleport |
entity.endermite.ambient |
entity.endermite.death |
entity.endermite.hurt |
entity.endermite.step |
entity.ender_pearl.throw |
entity.evoker.ambient |
entity.evoker.cast_spell |
entity.evoker.death |
entity.evoker.hurt |
entity.evoker.prepare_attack |
entity.evoker.prepare_summon |
entity.evoker.prepare_wololo |
entity.evoker_fangs.attack |
entity.experience_bottle.throw |
entity.experience_orb.pickup |
entity.firework_rocket.blast |
entity.firework_rocket.blast_far |
entity.firework_rocket.large_blast |
entity.firework_rocket.large_blast_far |
entity.firework_rocket.launch |
entity.firework_rocket.shoot |
entity.firework_rocket.twinkle |
entity.firework_rocket.twinkle_far |
entity.fish.swim |
entity.generic.big_fall |
entity.generic.burn |
entity.generic.death |
entity.generic.drink |
entity.generic.eat |
entity.generic.explode |
entity.generic.extinguish_fire |
entity.generic.hurt |
entity.generic.small_fall |
entity.generic.splash |
entity.generic.swim |
entity.ghast.ambient |
entity.ghast.death |
entity.ghast.hurt |
entity.ghast.scream |
entity.ghast.shoot |
entity.ghast.warn |
entity.guardian.ambient |
entity.guardian.ambient_land |
entity.guardian.attack |
entity.guardian.death |
entity.guardian.death_land |
entity.guardian.flop |
entity.guardian.hurt |
entity.guardian.hurt_land |
entity.horse.ambient |
entity.horse.angry |
entity.horse.armor |
entity.horse.breathe |
entity.horse.death |
entity.horse.eat |
entity.horse.gallop |
entity.horse.hurt |
entity.horse.jump |
entity.horse.land |
entity.horse.saddle |
entity.horse.step |
entity.horse.step_wood |
entity.hostile.big_fall |
entity.hostile.death |
entity.hostile.hurt |
entity.hostile.small_fall |
entity.hostile.splash |
entity.hostile.swim |
entity.husk.ambient |
entity.husk.converted_to_zombie |
entity.husk.death |
entity.husk.hurt |
entity.husk.step |
entity.illusioner.ambient |
entity.illusioner.cast_spell |
entity.illusioner.death |
entity.illusioner.hurt |
entity.illusioner.mirror_move |
entity.illusioner.prepare_blindness |
entity.illusioner.prepare_mirror |
entity.iron_golem.attack |
entity.iron_golem.death |
entity.iron_golem.hurt |
entity.iron_golem.step |
entity.item.break |
entity.item.pickup |
entity.item_frame.add_item |
entity.item_frame.break |
entity.item_frame.place |
entity.item_frame.remove_item |
entity.item_frame.rotate_item |
entity.leash_knot.break |
entity.leash_knot.place |
entity.lightning_bolt.impact |
entity.lightning_bolt.thunder |
entity.lingering_potion.throw |
entity.llama.ambient |
entity.llama.angry |
entity.llama.chest |
entity.llama.death |
entity.llama.eat |
entity.llama.hurt |
entity.llama.spit |
entity.llama.step |
entity.llama.swag |
entity.magma_cube.death |
entity.magma_cube.hurt |
entity.magma_cube.jump |
entity.magma_cube.squish |
entity.minecart.inside |
entity.minecart.riding |
entity.mooshroom.shear |
entity.mule.ambient |
entity.mule.chest |
entity.mule.death |
entity.mule.hurt |
entity.painting.break |
entity.painting.place |
entity.parrot.ambient |
entity.parrot.death |
entity.parrot.eat |
entity.parrot.fly |
entity.parrot.hurt |
entity.parrot.imitate.blaze |
entity.parrot.imitate.creeper |
entity.parrot.imitate.drowned |
entity.parrot.imitate.elder_guardian |
entity.parrot.imitate.ender_dragon |
entity.parrot.imitate.enderman |
entity.parrot.imitate.endermite |
entity.parrot.imitate.evoker |
entity.parrot.imitate.ghast |
entity.parrot.imitate.husk |
entity.parrot.imitate.illusioner |
entity.parrot.imitate.magma_cube |
entity.parrot.imitate.phantom |
entity.parrot.imitate.polar_bear |
entity.parrot.imitate.shulker |
entity.parrot.imitate.silverfish |
entity.parrot.imitate.skeleton |
entity.parrot.imitate.slime |
entity.parrot.imitate.spider |
entity.parrot.imitate.stray |
entity.parrot.imitate.vex |
entity.parrot.imitate.vindicator |
entity.parrot.imitate.witch |
entity.parrot.imitate.wither |
entity.parrot.imitate.wither_skeleton |
entity.parrot.imitate.wolf |
entity.parrot.imitate.zombie |
entity.parrot.imitate.zombie_pigman |
entity.parrot.imitate.zombie_villager |
entity.parrot.step |
entity.phantom.ambient |
entity.phantom.bite |
entity.phantom.death |
entity.phantom.flap |
entity.phantom.hurt |
entity.phantom.swoop |
entity.pig.ambient |
entity.pig.death |
entity.pig.hurt |
entity.pig.saddle |
entity.pig.step |
entity.player.attack.crit |
entity.player.attack.knockback |
entity.player.attack.nodamage |
entity.player.attack.strong |
entity.player.attack.sweep |
entity.player.attack.weak |
entity.player.big_fall |
entity.player.breath |
entity.player.burp |
entity.player.death |
entity.player.hurt |
entity.player.hurt_drown |
entity.player.hurt_on_fire |
entity.player.levelup |
entity.player.small_fall |
entity.player.splash |
entity.player.splash.high_speed |
entity.player.swim |
entity.polar_bear.ambient |
entity.polar_bear.ambient_baby |
entity.polar_bear.death |
entity.polar_bear.hurt |
entity.polar_bear.step |
entity.polar_bear.warning |
entity.puffer_fish.ambient |
entity.puffer_fish.blow_out |
entity.puffer_fish.blow_up |
entity.puffer_fish.death |
entity.puffer_fish.flop |
entity.puffer_fish.hurt |
entity.puffer_fish.sting |
entity.rabbit.ambient |
entity.rabbit.attack |
entity.rabbit.death |
entity.rabbit.hurt |
entity.rabbit.jump |
entity.salmon.ambient |
entity.salmon.death |
entity.salmon.flop |
entity.salmon.hurt |
entity.sheep.ambient |
entity.sheep.death |
entity.sheep.hurt |
entity.sheep.shear |
entity.sheep.step |
entity.shulker.ambient |
entity.shulker.close |
entity.shulker.death |
entity.shulker.hurt |
entity.shulker.hurt_closed |
entity.shulker.open |
entity.shulker.shoot |
entity.shulker.teleport |
entity.shulker_bullet.hit |
entity.shulker_bullet.hurt |
entity.silverfish.ambient |
entity.silverfish.death |
entity.silverfish.hurt |
entity.silverfish.step |
entity.skeleton.ambient |
entity.skeleton.death |
entity.skeleton.hurt |
entity.skeleton.shoot |
entity.skeleton.step |
entity.skeleton_horse.ambient |
entity.skeleton_horse.death |
entity.skeleton_horse.hurt |
entity.skeleton_horse.swim |
entity.skeleton_horse.ambient_water |
entity.skeleton_horse.gallop_water |
entity.skeleton_horse.jump_water |
entity.skeleton_horse.step_water |
entity.slime.attack |
entity.slime.death |
entity.slime.hurt |
entity.slime.jump |
entity.slime.squish |
entity.magma_cube.death_small |
entity.magma_cube.hurt_small |
entity.magma_cube.squish_small |
entity.slime.death_small |
entity.slime.hurt_small |
entity.slime.jump_small |
entity.slime.squish_small |
entity.snow_golem.ambient |
entity.snow_golem.death |
entity.snow_golem.hurt |
entity.snow_golem.shoot |
entity.snowball.throw |
entity.spider.ambient |
entity.spider.death |
entity.spider.hurt |
entity.spider.step |
entity.splash_potion.break |
entity.splash_potion.throw |
entity.squid.ambient |
entity.squid.death |
entity.squid.hurt |
entity.squid.squirt |
entity.stray.ambient |
entity.stray.death |
entity.stray.hurt |
entity.stray.step |
entity.tnt.primed |
entity.tropical_fish.ambient |
entity.tropical_fish.death |
entity.tropical_fish.flop |
entity.tropical_fish.hurt |
entity.turtle.ambient_land |
entity.turtle.death |
entity.turtle.death_baby |
entity.turtle.egg_break |
entity.turtle.egg_crack |
entity.turtle.egg_hatch |
entity.turtle.hurt |
entity.turtle.hurt_baby |
entity.turtle.lay_egg |
entity.turtle.shamble |
entity.turtle.shamble_baby |
entity.turtle.swim |
entity.vex.ambient |
entity.vex.charge |
entity.vex.death |
entity.vex.hurt |
entity.villager.ambient |
entity.villager.death |
entity.villager.hurt |
entity.villager.no |
entity.villager.trade |
entity.villager.yes |
entity.vindicator.ambient |
entity.vindicator.death |
entity.vindicator.hurt |
entity.witch.ambient |
entity.witch.death |
entity.witch.drink |
entity.witch.hurt |
entity.witch.throw |
entity.wither.ambient |
entity.wither.break_block |
entity.wither.death |
entity.wither.hurt |
entity.wither.shoot |
entity.wither.spawn |
entity.wither_skeleton.ambient |
entity.wither_skeleton.death |
entity.wither_skeleton.hurt |
entity.wither_skeleton.step |
entity.wolf.ambient |
entity.wolf.death |
entity.wolf.growl |
entity.wolf.howl |
entity.wolf.hurt |
entity.wolf.pant |
entity.wolf.shake |
entity.wolf.step |
entity.wolf.whine |
entity.zombie.ambient |
entity.zombie.attack_wooden_door |
entity.zombie.attack_iron_door |
entity.zombie.break_wooden_door |
entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned |
entity.zombie.death |
entity.zombie.destroy_egg |
entity.zombie.hurt |
entity.zombie.infect |
entity.zombie.step |
entity.zombie_horse.ambient |
entity.zombie_horse.death |
entity.zombie_horse.hurt |
entity.zombie_pigman.ambient |
entity.zombie_pigman.angry |
entity.zombie_pigman.death |
entity.zombie_pigman.hurt |
entity.zombie_villager.ambient |
entity.zombie_villager.converted |
entity.zombie_villager.cure |
entity.zombie_villager.death |
entity.zombie_villager.hurt |
entity.zombie_villager.step |
item.armor.equip_chain |
item.armor.equip_diamond |
item.armor.equip_elytra |
item.armor.equip_generic |
item.armor.equip_gold |
item.armor.equip_iron |
item.armor.equip_leather |
item.armor.equip_turtle |
item.axe.strip |
item.bottle.empty |
item.bottle.fill |
item.bottle.fill_dragonbreath |
item.bucket.empty |
item.bucket.empty_fish |
item.bucket.empty_lava |
item.bucket.fill |
item.bucket.fill_fish |
item.bucket.fill_lava |
item.chorus_fruit.teleport |
item.elytra.flying |
item.firecharge.use |
item.flintandsteel.use |
item.hoe.till |
item.shield.block |
item.shield.break |
item.shovel.flatten |
item.totem.use |
item.trident.hit |
item.trident.hit_ground |
item.trident.return |
item.trident.riptide_1 |
item.trident.riptide_2 |
item.trident.riptide_3 |
item.trident.throw |
item.trident.thunder |
music.creative |
music.credits |
music.dragon |
music.end |
music.game |
music.menu |
music.nether |
music.under_water |
music_disc.11 |
music_disc.13 |
music_disc.blocks |
music_disc.cat |
music_disc.chirp |
music_disc.far |
music_disc.mall |
music_disc.mellohi |
music_disc.stal |
music_disc.strad |
music_disc.wait |
music_disc.ward |
ui.button.click |
ui.toast.challenge_complete |
ui.toast.in |
ui.toast.out |
weather.rain |
weather.rain.above |
Name of the Sound Effect
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the name of a sound effect starts with one of the following values:
We’re one of the fastest growing free sound effects & royalty free music libraries with 52,948 professional, free sounds to download instantly in mp3 or original WAV file format and upload hundreds more every week.
- ambient
- block
- enchant
- entity
- item
- music
- music_disc
- ui
- weather
When you use the sound effect in a command, you prefix the name with minecraft:
such as minecraft:ambient.cave
Source that is Playing the Sound Effect
All sound effects in Minecraft are played from a specific source. These are the sources to choose from in the game:
- ambient
- block
- hostile
- master
- music
- neutral
- player
- record
- voice
- weather
When you use the /playsound command, you can play the sound effect from any source you want.
For example, you can play the cave.ambient
effect from the ambient source:
Example of how to play a sound effect
Knowing the name of a sound effect comes in handy when you want to play a sound. You can use the /playsound command to play a sound effect at any time in the game.
For example, you can play the eerie, ambient sounds of an elder guardian for the player named DigMinecraft.
Example of how to stop a sound effect
Knowing the name of a sound effect comes in handy when you want to stop a sound from playing. Starting in Minecraft 1.9.3, you can use the /stopsound command to stop sound effects in the game.
For example, you can stop the Creative music sound effect for the player named DigMinecraft.
Other Sound Effect Lists
Each sound effect has a name assigned to it in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE). The game will play these sound effects when different things happen in the game such as breaking a block or throwing a potion. You can also choose to play these sound files or stop them from playing whenever you want using game commands such as /playsound or /stopsound.
Here is an interactive list of the sound effects in Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE).
![Download Download](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PswDuQcSp9Q/maxresdefault.jpg)
TIP: If you are not running Minecraft Pocket Edition, try one of our other versions:
Minecraft Damage Sound Effect
(Enter a value in the field above to find a sound effect in the table below)
Name of the Sound Effect |
ambient.weather.lightning.impact |
ambient.weather.rain |
ambient.weather.thunder |
armor.equip_chain |
armor.equip_diamond |
armor.equip_generic |
armor.equip_gold |
armor.equip_iron |
armor.equip_leather |
beacon.activate |
beacon.ambient |
beacon.deactivate |
beacon.power |
block.bamboo.break |
block.bamboo.fall |
block.bamboo.hit |
block.bamboo.place |
block.bamboo.step |
block.bamboo_sapling.break |
block.bamboo_sapling.place |
block.chorusflower.death |
block.chorusflower.grow |
block.end_portal.spawn |
block.end_portal_frame.fill |
block.false_permissions |
block.itemframe.add_item |
block.itemframe.break |
block.itemframe.place |
block.itemframe.remove_item |
block.itemframe.rotate_item |
block.scaffolding.break |
block.scaffolding.climb |
block.scaffolding.fall |
block.scaffolding.hit |
block.scaffolding.place |
block.scaffolding.step |
block.turtle_egg.break |
block.turtle_egg.crack |
block.turtle_egg.drop |
bottle.dragonbreath |
bubble.down |
bubble.downinside |
bubble.pop |
bubble.up |
bubble.upinside |
bucket.empty_fish |
bucket.empty_lava |
bucket.empty_water |
bucket.fill_fish |
bucket.fill_lava |
bucket.fill_water |
camera.take_picture |
cauldron.adddye |
cauldron.cleanarmor |
cauldron.cleanbanner |
cauldron.dyearmor |
cauldron.explode |
cauldron.fillpotion |
cauldron.fillwater |
cauldron.takepotion |
cauldron.takewater |
conduit.activate |
conduit.ambient |
conduit.attack |
conduit.deactivate |
conduit.short |
crossbow.loading.end |
crossbow.loading.middle |
crossbow.loading.start |
crossbow.quick_charge.end |
crossbow.quick_charge.middle |
crossbow.quick_charge.start |
crossbow.shoot |
damage.fallbig |
damage.fallsmall |
dig.cloth |
dig.grass |
dig.gravel |
dig.sand |
dig.snow |
dig.stone |
dig.wood |
elytra.loop |
entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned |
fall.cloth |
fall.egg |
fall.grass |
fall.gravel |
fall.ladder |
fall.sand |
fall.slime |
fall.snow |
fall.stone |
fall.wood |
fire.fire |
fire.ignite |
firework.blast |
firework.large_blast |
firework.launch |
firework.shoot |
firework.twinkle |
furnace.lit |
game.player.attack.nodamage |
game.player.attack.strong |
game.player.die |
game.player.hurt |
hit.cloth |
hit.grass |
hit.gravel |
hit.ladder |
hit.sand |
hit.slime |
hit.snow |
hit.stone |
hit.wood |
item.trident.hit |
item.trident.hit_ground |
item.trident.return |
item.trident.riptide_1 |
item.trident.riptide_2 |
item.trident.riptide_3 |
item.trident.throw |
item.trident.thunder |
jump.cloth |
jump.grass |
jump.gravel |
jump.sand |
jump.slime |
jump.snow |
jump.stone |
jump.wood |
land.cloth |
land.grass |
land.gravel |
land.sand |
land.slime |
land.snow |
land.stone |
land.wood |
leashknot.break |
leashknot.place |
liquid.lava |
liquid.lavapop |
liquid.water |
minecart.base |
minecart.inside |
mob.agent.spawn |
mob.armor_stand.break |
mob.armor_stand.hit |
mob.armor_stand.land |
mob.armor_stand.place |
mob.bat.death |
mob.bat.hurt |
mob.bat.idle |
mob.bat.takeoff |
mob.blaze.breathe |
mob.blaze.death |
mob.blaze.hit |
mob.blaze.shoot |
mob.cat.beg |
mob.cat.eat |
mob.cat.hiss |
mob.cat.hit |
mob.cat.meow |
mob.cat.purr |
mob.cat.purreow |
mob.cat.straymeow |
mob.chicken.hurt |
mob.chicken.plop |
mob.chicken.say |
mob.chicken.step |
mob.cow.hurt |
mob.cow.milk |
mob.cow.say |
mob.cow.step |
mob.creeper.death |
mob.creeper.say |
mob.dolphin.attack |
mob.dolphin.blowhole |
mob.dolphin.death |
mob.dolphin.eat |
mob.dolphin.hurt |
mob.dolphin.idle |
mob.dolphin.idle_water |
mob.dolphin.jump |
mob.dolphin.play |
mob.dolphin.splash |
mob.dolphin.swim |
mob.drowned.death |
mob.drowned.death_water |
mob.drowned.hurt |
mob.drowned.hurt_water |
mob.drowned.say |
mob.drowned.say_water |
mob.drowned.shoot |
mob.drowned.step |
mob.drowned.swim |
mob.elderguardian.curse |
mob.elderguardian.death |
mob.elderguardian.hit |
mob.elderguardian.idle |
mob.enderdragon.death |
mob.enderdragon.flap |
mob.enderdragon.growl |
mob.enderdragon.hit |
mob.endermen.death |
mob.endermen.hit |
mob.endermen.idle |
mob.endermen.portal |
mob.endermen.scream |
mob.endermen.stare |
mob.endermite.hit |
mob.endermite.kill |
mob.endermite.say |
mob.endermite.step |
mob.evocation_fangs.attack |
mob.evocation_illager.ambient |
mob.evocation_illager.cast_spell |
mob.evocation_illager.death |
mob.evocation_illager.hurt |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_attack |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_summon |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_wololo |
mob.fish.flop |
mob.fish.hurt |
mob.fish.step |
mob.ghast.affectionate_scream |
mob.ghast.charge |
mob.ghast.death |
mob.ghast.fireball |
mob.ghast.moan |
mob.ghast.scream |
mob.guardian.ambient |
mob.guardian.attack_loop |
mob.guardian.death |
mob.guardian.flop |
mob.guardian.hit |
mob.guardian.land_death |
mob.guardian.land_hit |
mob.guardian.land_idle |
mob.horse.angry |
mob.horse.armor |
mob.horse.breathe |
mob.horse.death |
mob.horse.donkey.angry |
mob.horse.donkey.death |
mob.horse.donkey.hit |
mob.horse.donkey.idle |
mob.horse.eat |
mob.horse.gallop |
mob.horse.hit |
mob.horse.idle |
mob.horse.jump |
mob.horse.land |
mob.horse.leather |
mob.horse.skeleton.death |
mob.horse.skeleton.hit |
mob.horse.skeleton.idle |
mob.horse.soft |
mob.horse.wood |
mob.horse.zombie.death |
mob.horse.zombie.hit |
mob.horse.zombie.idle |
mob.husk.ambient |
mob.husk.death |
mob.husk.hurt |
mob.husk.step |
mob.irongolem.death |
mob.irongolem.hit |
mob.irongolem.throw |
mob.irongolem.walk |
mob.llama.angry |
mob.llama.death |
mob.llama.eat |
mob.llama.hurt |
mob.llama.idle |
mob.llama.spit |
mob.llama.step |
mob.llama.swag |
mob.magmacube.big |
mob.magmacube.jump |
mob.magmacube.small |
mob.ocelot.death |
mob.ocelot.idle |
mob.panda.bite |
mob.panda.cant_breed |
mob.panda.death |
mob.panda.eat |
mob.panda.hurt |
mob.panda.idle |
mob.panda.idle.aggressive |
mob.panda.idle.worried |
mob.panda.presneeze |
mob.panda.sneeze |
mob.panda.step |
mob.panda_baby.idle |
mob.parrot.death |
mob.parrot.eat |
mob.parrot.fly |
mob.parrot.hurt |
mob.parrot.idle |
mob.parrot.step |
mob.phantom.bite |
mob.phantom.death |
mob.phantom.hurt |
mob.phantom.idle |
mob.phantom.swoop |
mob.pig.boost |
mob.pig.death |
mob.pig.say |
mob.pig.step |
mob.polarbear.death |
mob.polarbear.hurt |
mob.polarbear.idle |
mob.polarbear.step |
mob.polarbear.warning |
mob.polarbear_baby.idle |
mob.rabbit.death |
mob.rabbit.hop |
mob.rabbit.hurt |
mob.rabbit.idle |
mob.sheep.say |
mob.sheep.shear |
mob.sheep.step |
mob.shulker.ambient |
mob.shulker.bullet.hit |
mob.shulker.close |
mob.shulker.close.hurt |
mob.shulker.death |
mob.shulker.hurt |
mob.shulker.open |
mob.shulker.shoot |
mob.shulker.teleport |
mob.silverfish.hit |
mob.silverfish.kill |
mob.silverfish.say |
mob.silverfish.step |
mob.skeleton.death |
mob.skeleton.hurt |
mob.skeleton.say |
mob.skeleton.step |
mob.slime.attack |
mob.slime.big |
mob.slime.death |
mob.slime.hurt |
mob.slime.jump |
mob.slime.small |
mob.slime.squish |
mob.snowgolem.death |
mob.snowgolem.hurt |
mob.snowgolem.shoot |
mob.spider.death |
mob.spider.say |
mob.spider.step |
mob.squid.ambient |
mob.squid.death |
mob.squid.hurt |
mob.stray.ambient |
mob.stray.death |
mob.stray.hurt |
mob.stray.step |
mob.turtle.ambient |
mob.turtle.death |
mob.turtle.hurt |
mob.turtle.step |
mob.turtle.swim |
mob.turtle_baby.born |
mob.turtle_baby.death |
mob.turtle_baby.hurt |
mob.turtle_baby.step |
mob.vex.ambient |
mob.vex.charge |
mob.vex.death |
mob.vex.hurt |
mob.villager.death |
mob.villager.haggle |
mob.villager.hit |
mob.villager.idle |
mob.villager.no |
mob.villager.yes |
mob.vindicator.death |
mob.vindicator.hurt |
mob.vindicator.idle |
mob.witch.ambient |
mob.witch.death |
mob.witch.drink |
mob.witch.hurt |
mob.witch.throw |
mob.wither.ambient |
mob.wither.break_block |
mob.wither.death |
mob.wither.hurt |
mob.wither.shoot |
mob.wither.spawn |
mob.wolf.bark |
mob.wolf.death |
mob.wolf.growl |
mob.wolf.hurt |
mob.wolf.panting |
mob.wolf.shake |
mob.wolf.step |
mob.wolf.whine |
mob.zombie.death |
mob.zombie.hurt |
mob.zombie.remedy |
mob.zombie.say |
mob.zombie.step |
mob.zombie.unfect |
mob.zombie.wood |
mob.zombie.woodbreak |
mob.zombie_villager.death |
mob.zombie_villager.hurt |
mob.zombie_villager.say |
mob.zombiepig.zpig |
mob.zombiepig.zpigangry |
mob.zombiepig.zpigdeath |
mob.zombiepig.zpighurt |
music.game |
music.game.creative |
music.game.credits |
music.game.end |
music.game.endboss |
music.game.nether |
music.menu |
note.bass |
note.bassattack |
note.bd |
note.harp |
note.hat |
note.pling |
note.snare |
portal.portal |
portal.travel |
portal.trigger |
random.anvil_break |
random.anvil_land |
random.anvil_use |
random.bow |
random.bowhit |
random.break |
random.burp |
random.chestclosed |
random.chestopen |
random.click |
random.door_close |
random.door_open |
random.drink |
random.eat |
random.enderchestclosed |
random.enderchestopen |
random.explode |
random.fizz |
random.fuse |
random.glass |
random.hurt |
random.levelup |
random.orb |
random.pop |
random.pop2 |
random.potion.brewed |
random.screenshot |
random.shulkerboxclosed |
random.shulkerboxopen |
random.splash |
random.swim |
random.toast |
random.totem |
record.blocks |
record.cat |
record.chirp |
record.far |
record.mall |
record.mellohi |
record.stal |
record.strad |
record.wait |
record.ward |
record.11 |
record.13 |
step.cloth |
step.grass |
step.gravel |
step.ladder |
step.sand |
step.slime |
step.snow |
step.stone |
step.wood |
tile.piston.in |
tile.piston.out |
use.cloth |
use.grass |
use.gravel |
use.ladder |
use.sand |
use.slime |
use.snow |
use.stone |
use.wood |
vr.stutterturn |
Name of the Sound Effect
In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), the name of a sound effect starts with one of the following values:
Minecraft Hurt Sound Effect Download
- ambient
- armor
- beacon
- block
- bottle
- bubble
- bucket
- camera
- cauldron
- conduit
- crossbow
- damage
- dig
- elytra
- entity
- fall
- fire
- firework
- furnace
- game
- hit
- item
- jump
- land
- leashknot
- liquid
- minecart
- mob
- music
- note
- portal
- random
- record
- step
- tile
- use
- vr
TIP: You do not prefix the sound effect name with minecraft:
in Pocket Edition game commands.
Example of how to play a sound effect
Movie Sound Effects Free Download
Knowing the name of a sound effect comes in handy when you want to play a sound. You can use the /playsound command to play a sound effect at any time in the game.
For example, you can play the eerie sounds of an elder guardian for the player named DigMinecraft.